
Sunday, September 12, 2010


I got tired of doing sepia tones, so I decided to give this page some attention. so I drew Samus from Metroid.
BTW: Check out my Webcomic Dynamo Guns

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dynamo Guns

Just a heads up (dont see why fewer people follow this blog then it), but I have a webcomic. Check it out. Just click the link.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ARTDUMP part 1: Hall of Philosophic Day-Jobs

WOW!! That last quarter was crazy, 'miright? So much work I should have been posting. Honestly, I would have forgotten I had a Artblog if i didn't have to write the web address on every minicomic from class. However, with Spring Break comes the time art dump. First off, A sketchbook mini...