
Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Batman: part 3

Anywho, Dark Knight Broke Spider-man 3's record for best box office weekend of all time. To commemorate that with the following:
Before any Spider-man fans get bent out of shape. I'm simply illustrating a statistic I found on the internet (by drawing Batman Kicking Spidey in the Parker family jewels).

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm Batman: part 2 (Wow)

So, Dark Knight. Awesome. Few movies have rendered me speechless, and this is one of them. Heath Ledger was scary crazy perfect as Joker. Sorry, Jackie boy, you have been knocked from you stoop. (I wonder if "see a better Joker" was on his Bucket List?). And Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent. Brillant.

I want to bring up one more amazing about this Movie. WATCHMEN TEASER!!! (I'd throw up a video, but you should have already seen it, because you should have already seen Dark Knight)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Batman


Yeah, that's right Midnight release of DARK KNIGHT. I highly doubt that the people in my tiny local theater will sell out in the next couple of days, but I wanted to have my bases covered.